Saturday, January 21, 2012

Score one for the D-Momma's today!!

OK so we all know how rare it is in this diabetic life to come across those good moments with the numbers working in your figure out the perfect basal rate with the perfect insulin to carb ratio at the perfect time. It is EXTREMELY rare in my have all the stars align so perfectly and wind up with fantastic results...good blood sugar numbers....stable numbers....numbers that stay consistant for hours at a time. It's rare. I know I spend a good lot of my time beating myself up over the bad numbers...the ups and downs. The feeling of confusion and simply being at a loss of what exactly to do or adjust to fix the situation. It at times can seem so you are stuck with this hurricane of numbers swirling around in your poor exhausted head. You get to the point where you feel like if someone simply tries to tell you their phone number, or you try to remember what your kid's current shoe size is when buying new winter boots, or your forget what date and time your next dentist appointment is feel like if you try to cram one more of those numbers in your brain...all hell will break loose and you will wind up sitting in the corner mumbling about a-b-c's and 1-2-3's. Well, I was at that point last night. I was struggling for days trying to figure out the right combo of basal rates versus insulin to carb ratios to stop Emma from dropping low or skyrocketing high come 11pm. I was useless...felt like I had tried everything...every possible combo...and nothing was working.
Then a friend of mine suggested adding in another basal rate for that time frame. It was like an "aha!" moment for me. I could not wait for bedtime tonight to try it out! After days of feeling like I was wandering around aimlessly in the dark...I had finally felt like I could see a ray of sunshine in the distance.
Needless to WORKED!!! I made the changes knowing logically in my mind that they should work...but also knowing the nature of the beast that is diabetes, so I wasn't getting my hopes up. The old "expect nothing and you will never be disappointed" approach I suppose.
But it WORKED!! I want to scream it at the top of my lungs! I want to run right out my front door and sprint to my friends house (clear across the country by the i know this could never truly and hug her and do the happy dance and thank her for sending out that ray of sunshine for me!
I wanted to share this with you all because I think it is important to share the joys...share the triumphs...share the times that WE WIN the battle with this stupid disease! So, I am raising my glass and cheering myself, my amazing friend, and ALL OF YOU for all that we do as D-Mom's and D-Dad's...all that we do every day to win the fight for our kids! Score one for us today my friends!!!


  1. Lol, Amy, I love your passion! Giant hugs from California. :-)

    1. thanks Michelle!! who knew that basal changes could make me so excited?! LOL!!

  2. That is awesome. Hoping my new basal change works for us tonight too :)

  3. Awesome! Celebrating your win today!!
